Josh McDowell - Rule without relationship = REBELLION
Decision 1 CHANGE Your Parenting as Your Kids Grow Up
Stage of Development
Decision 2 : Raise LEARNERS and LEADERS
Q : What is one of the trait you would like to see developed in your child's life bu the time he/she is 18 years old?
Kids who develop character are :
LEARNERS - attitude to learn something new every week
LEADERS - in their circle of influence, they watch where they are going; not just follower of the crowd
LOVERS of God - love God because they love God!
Parents implement "Privileges" and "Responsibilities" - do this get this, do that get that!
Decision 3 : Things to Work Out of your kids
Short Sightedness
Decision 4 : Things to Work Into your kids
Genders - Boys and Girls need to be parented differently
Birth Order
Learning Style - Auditory (Hear) / Visual (See) / Kinesthetic (Do)
Love Languages
Motivation base on Personality (Lion (Motivated by Control / Otter (Motivated by Attention) / Retriever (Motivated by Acceptance; Respect) / Beaver (Motivated by Structure; Order)
Decision 5 : Pass on your Purpose